About the English Version

The Atelier de métaphysique et d’ontologie contemporaines (ATMOC) at the École Normale Supérieure (ENS) in Paris was publicly conceived in the late Spring of 2011. Please consult the Introduction to the Workshop for more detailed information concerning the priorities of the workshop.

This site contains original translations of the French site. You will find announcements, lecture notes, publications, and audio recordings of the lectures in English and in French. Original dates of publication, when available, and the translator name(s) will appear in brackets at the end of each post.

We would like to express our gratitude to the participants of the workshop and to others encouraging the translations you will find at this site. If you disagree with a translation, would like it amended or removed, or have suggestions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact the editor at mohm1’à’lsu’point’edu.

We ask for your patience in awaiting future translations. We hope to reach the point where we will be able to publish translations of the work of the participants nearly synchronously with their original public dissemination. We also hope to make transcriptions of the audio recordings available in original English translations at a future date.

We believe that this site will become a valuable resource and archive of materials available for those in the wider philosophical and non-philosophical community as much as for those interested in metaphysics, ontology, the past, present, and future of philosophy.

Editor and Lead Translator
Mark Allan Ohm
Graduate Research Assistant
Departments of Philosophy & Religious Studies and French Studies
Louisiana State University

Members of the Editorial Board and Contributing Translators
Leah Orth
Graduate Student
Department of Philosophy & Religious Studies
Louisiana State University

Dr. Jon Cogburn
Associate Professor
Department of Philosophy & Religious Studies
Louisiana State University

Copy Editor
Emily Beck Cogburn
Freelance Writer
M.A. Philosophy, The Ohio State University
M.A.L.S. Louisiana State University

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